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Tatiana Popovichenko

Apart from the art of painting, Tatiana Popovichenko is successful in the illustration genre. The most outstanding projects include «The Odessa Tales» (Babel I.), «Criminal Odessa», (Faltenberg- Blank V.), «Anecdotes from the odessites», «New Odessa stories» (Kostyan Е.), «Two houses by the liman» (Borshnpolets Е.), «Stories "from the earliest time» (Aleksandrov R.), and others.

Tatiana Popovichenko is a regular participant of the exhibition events at the city, region, republic-wide and international levels, including international plein-air paintings shows in Ukraine and abroad (Europe, Turkey), and international projects: «Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland celebrates its 150th anniversary», ZOOMBOOC 52, etc.

The works of Tatiana Popovichenko have settled in private collections in Ukraine and abroad: USA, Canada, UK, Belgium, Germany, Serbia, Hungary, Poland, Montenegro, Turkey, Mexico, Kazakhstan, Australia, Israel.

My philosophy

«The gates extended into the entranceway off ering a view of the walls decorated with children’s charcoal or chalk drawings, faded notices about residents committee meeting, lists of persistent nonpayers of household bills and strict warnings like NO SHAKE OFF IN THE STAIRCASE! And it was only behind the entranceways that you could fi nd yourself in the courtyards: ordinary, double-exit, dual and large ones. Ordinary courtyards, spacious and typically grassy, used to be the most common case – in the area known as MOLDAVANKA.  Narrow wells refl ecting a glazed patch of the Odessa sky – right in the centre of the city».

Rostislav Aleksandrov

I love these communities where the residents know everything about everybody with all the details that make one sick. I missed all that awfully in other cities and ≪faraway lands≫. And every-10, 30 and 100 years the exclamations are heard that: ODESSA – is no longer the same! No – this is - IT, my ODESSA I take inspiration and vigour from even if my paintings depict other cities. And every time IT rises like a phoenix from the ashes, and I was born to IT, and if IT is a myth, then I am a myth, too! And I do not care if they call it a ≪hinterland≫! Try to view IT through my eyes; and you will never be able to forget ODESSA…

Tetyana Popovichenko

"The Tree of Odessa Life", canvas, oilTatiana Popovichenko - photo -
"Puss-Puss", paper,  mixed method
Tatiana Popovichenko - photo 2 -
"The Autumn Dialogue", paper / mixed method
Tatiana Popovichenko - photo 3 -
"Welcome to Early Snow",  paper / mixed methodTatiana Popovichenko - photo 4 -

"Laundry Drying Time", paper / mixed method

Tatiana Popovichenko - photo 5 -
"Khust. Czech Quarter", paper / mixed methodTatiana Popovichenko - photo 6 -
"Khust", paper / mixed methodTatiana Popovichenko - photo 7 -
"The Phantom of the Opera", paper / mixed methodTatiana Popovichenko - photo 8 -
"Transfer of Rights", paper / mixed methodTatiana Popovichenko - photo 9 -
"A Farewell to Balloons", paper / mixed methodTatiana Popovichenko - photo 10 -
"Wishes Coming True", paper / mixed methodTatiana Popovichenko - photo 11 -
"A Fairy-Tale", paper / mixed methodTatiana Popovichenko - photo 12 -

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